Monday, December 31, 2007

Like sands through the hourglass... are the days of 2007.

It's almost 10am and I should be showered and dressed by now, some mornings go easier than others, today is a 6. The coffee has started to work it's magic and soon I will be en route to the store to buy provisions for this evening and otherwise. My parents and a small assortment of friends will be stopping by tonight to celebrate New Year's Eve (quietly humming Auld Lang Syne)

Stick a fork in me dear sir, I'm done with this year. When I was a kid I used to write long, elaborate journal entries that encapsulated the dying year as well as outlined my hopes and resolutions for the next one. I don't know if I can bring myself to do it this year; I don't want to risk turning to salt.

It's time to put on my party pants and war-paint.


Ann O

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