Friday, December 14, 2007

Obligatory Post #1

I am at work and getting very sleepy but I wanted to post something before heading out for the day.

In terms of creativity, it's been a productive day. I have come up with some new ideas for work, long-term career goals and a new collaborative project centered around my beloved City of Lights. The Project is just a hair past the zygote stage of development, but I think that it will be interesting and very fulfilling to work on. More on this later.

I love my job because it's flexible and I don't have a definite job description. It has an expiration date though and I am trying to figure out what I will do next. I would like to work from home via computer, ideally running my own business and doing something that I find interesting. I think I might have figured out a way to finance the education and starting costs.

That's it for now. I forced myself to write even though I didn't have overwhelming desire to do so. See, I'm trying.

Ann O


secret squirrel said...


Unknown said...

Got tight on Absinthe last night and read your blog!

Buy the ticket, take the chance.

Free Tibet.
