In the world according to me, The Holidays are over; epiphany be damned. Christmas was commercially observed and New Year's conservatively feted. I adequately fulfilled festive obligations and now may unapologetically hibernate for the next few months. My love of the Midwest is conditional and does not extend to the seven months of inhospitable weather we have every year. People say global warming like it's a bad thing...
Last night I started reading about photographic lighting because I need to work on technique. I think I might cruise around the internet later and see what time of DIY home studio/lighting suggestions I can suss out. In an act of sheer love I was given a Nikon SB-800 Speedlight for Christmas. I'll have you know it's quite groovy to be supported in my artistic endeavors. For the last few weeks I've been taking some pictures and I am looking forward to getting CS3 reloaded in my computer so I can do a little editing and start posting pictures again. I am going to start a new Flickr account and once it is up I will put a link on this blog.
Flickr has this project called
365 Days where the participants take and upload a self-portrait every day for a year. I have been interested in starting it for a few months but have yet to take that first picture. I was going to do it yesterday but I forgot. It would be a good challenge for me because I am terrible with finishing things and I loathe pictures of myself.
This was written in a couple of sittings as I had domestic duties to attend. I had other things to say here tonight but it's getting late and I took some Nyquil fifteen minutes ago so I best sign off before I pass out on the keyboard.
Until tomorrow
Ann O